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ExpressPro Returns Service Unavailable
Document #:10454

Applies To:
  • ExpressPro 8.x, 9.x


When attempting to load MailSite ExpressPro, the page returns:

Service Unavailable.

More Information:

You may see the following in the Event Viewer:

Event ID: 1021

The identity of application pool, 'ExpressPro' is invalid. If it remains invalid when the first request for the application pool is processed, the application pool will be disabled. The data field contains the error number

This can occur if the Application Pool for 'ExpressPro' found in IIS has an invalid Identity, i.e either it doesn't exist, has an incorrect password or isn't a member of the appropiate group.

By default the MailSite installer will attempt to create a user called 'MSIISUSER' and assign this account under the Identity tab for the ExpressPro Application pool. The installer sets a password on this account which is not exposed.

  1. Locate the account used for the 'ExpressPro' Application Pool; IIS > Application Pool > ExpressPro > Properties > Identity
  2. Check this account exists. If so you may need to reset the password on it within Windows.
  3. If it exists, ensure it is a member of the Local Servers group IIS_WPG.
  4. If the account doesn't exist, create it and make it a member of the Local Servers group IIS_WPG. You can just as easily use your own designated account
  5. Update the password under the Identity Tab for the Application Pool and also under the ExpressPro virtual directory found under Properties > Directory Security > Authentication Access and Control Edit, applying the password set when creating the account. If you use Express you will need to update the account details also under the Virtual directory > Directory Security properties.
  6. Restart IIS.
  7. If you still receive this error make sure that the ExpressPro Application pool has been started.  If not started start the application pool and try again to access ExpressPro website.
Finally, ensure this account has at least Modify permissions on the MailSite root folder, and ensure this propagates down to child files and folders.

Last revised 2011-10-26

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