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Upgrading a customized installation of MailSite Express
Document #:10148

Applies To:
  • Express All


When upgrading MailSite Express, the installer overwrites all files. Restoring the customization can be expedited by following the procedure outlined below.

More Information:
In this example, we shall store the Express pages in a non-default directory (eg. not MailSite\Express), with IIS pointing to this directory. The permissions on this directory should allow the user that the MailSite services are running under to have full access. An example directory would be: D:\web\iis\express523

Before upgrading, a copy should be made of the Express directory, and renamed to reflect the version number. For example, D:\web\iis\express523 should be copied to D:\web\iis\express524

Once MailSite has been upgraded, all pages that cannot be customized, such as imap.asp, can be copied to the newly created directory (D:\web\iis\express524). This is in addition to the language files. The graphic files can also be overwritten if they have not been altered.

At this stage, all customized files are left in place. Those files are:

  • default.asp
  • loginerror.asp
  • expresscfg.asp
  • express.asp
  • side.asp
  • top.asp
  • stylecfg.asp
  • localcfg.asp
A new virtual directory is then added to for Express in IIS (eg. /ex524) and this new version tested with the new directory on the file system (D:\web\iis\express524). Should the new virtual directory work fine with the old version’s customized pages, then the main Express virtual directory (eg. /express) is changed to point at the new directory in the file system (D:\web\iis\express524) Should the new directory not work there are two options. Either:
  1. compare the old and new pages line by line to find out which part(s) have changed. The login page (default.asp) is normally the hardest to modify this way
  2. find the page that is not working, overwrite it with the new version, and perform the customization again on the new page
It is worth leaving the original files in place should problems occur following the upgrade, thus they can quickly be restored

See these other knowledge base documents:
Last revised 2007-8-2

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