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How to Set up AstraSync on Your BlackBerry
Document #:10489

Applies To:
  • MailSite 9.x
  • ExpressPro 9.x


The AstraSync plugin has the ability to sync email, calendars and contacts with your BlackBerry device. Use this document to setup your device.

More Information:
There are two parts to the installation on the Exchange 2007 or MailSite server and then on the Blackberry device.

Server Setup

  • Install the MailSite 9 or Exchange Server 2007 software. Support for new email/ActiveSync servers is being added all the time. Please check www.astrasync.com.
  • Ensure that you install the ActiveSync server. If you are installing MailSite Fusion, ExpressPro needs to be installed. ActiveSync will be installed alongside this.
  • Verify that the ActiveSync server is running. For MailSite, you can verify the virtual directory in IIS called 'Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync' is present. If not, you should check you have installed the ExpressPro component.
  • Create or use an existing mailbox on the MailSite or Exchange server. If this is a MailSite mailbox ensure AirSync is permitted.

Device Setup

Installation is over-the-air only to the BlackBerry device. The assumption is made that an email account (maybe from your provider or personal account) is already configured within the Blackberry device.
  • Start the BlackBerry Browser
  • Select Menu > Go To
  • Enter: http://www.astrasync.com/dwl to download and install the application
  • Navigate to Applications > AstraSync and open the application. On some devices it will be under 'Downloads'
  • Follow the setup wizard to configure AstraSync

For information on how to set up your Windows Mobile device or iPhone 2.0 to use MailSite Fusion’s ActiveSync capability please follow the link below.

See these other knowledge base documents:
Last revised 2013-6-14

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